Mission Statement

This is a blog about reentry into society for persons released from prison and the many difficulties and barriers they face. The writings contained in this blog come from personal experience and they are intended to put out information from the real life adventures I have come up against with navigating my reentry into society. The blog welcomes submissions from anyone who is or has gone through reentry after prison as well as from any authorities, organizations, etc. with information that would be help for prisoners with their reentry to society after incarceration.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Another view of Reentry

By Steve Gordon

I got an email from a good friend I had in state prison. He was victimized by the system and his eventual parole was delayed, but he is out from behind the fences and razor wire. Here is what he wrote me, in part:

"After a 1 year hit (for no reason whatsoever), I was released from SCI XXXXXX on Aug. 15th.  I'm loving everything...It's like seeing everything through the eyes of a child with the wisdom of an adult to appreciate it." 

MW is a US Marine veteran and a person of character. Truth be told there are more people like him behind bars (as they like to say on the TV news) and the corrections overcrowding that is a drain on the state budget could be alleviated if more were released. Unfortunately it seems the system doesn't work that way and there are still too many people out there who subscribe to the lock them up and throw away the key mentality.

I responded to his email and if I can do anything to help him I will try. He asked to see some pictures, golf pictures, and I think I can accommodate that request.

Stay tuned.

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