Mission Statement

This is a blog about reentry into society for persons released from prison and the many difficulties and barriers they face. The writings contained in this blog come from personal experience and they are intended to put out information from the real life adventures I have come up against with navigating my reentry into society. The blog welcomes submissions from anyone who is or has gone through reentry after prison as well as from any authorities, organizations, etc. with information that would be help for prisoners with their reentry to society after incarceration.

Friday, July 20, 2012

A friendly visit

By Steve Gordon

While at the dinner table the other night we notices a van pull up in front of the house and a man with a brief case get out and come up the drive. I got up to meet him at the door.

He was a detective from the local police department checking up on me to see if I was still living there and if everything was ok. He stressed that there had been no complaints. Curious that no one had ever done that before?

Mom was glad it was a normal looking unmarked van because the neighbors would be asking what it was about. I say to hell with the neighbors and what people think, etc. The ones that count know I was in prison. The ones that don't know fall under the need to know mentality.

It was a courteous visit but I did not ask him in because we were in the middle of supper.

The next day I emailed him to thank him for the courteous visit and he responded that he filed a letter to the PA State Police that everything was fine and that the department has had no contact with me (meaning official contact as for criminal activity).

I guess he was doing his job, but given the circumstances of my offense and that no one has ever checked or visited here it was curious. I have been expected a visit from the local parole officer who is supposed to do a visit and interview inregard to my application for a Pardon.

Happy to report positive things here.

On another note, the letter to the Bucks County DOC offering my time to help in any way with a program to help prisoners prepare for reentry has gone unresponded to. Not even a thanks but no thanks. Closed mindedness still exists I guess.

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